Drills & Skills!
Olympic Gold Medalist Rebecca Soni and Zach Hayden demonstrate fast swimming drills that will improve your breaststroke. Coach Gary Hall,Sr. demonstrates breaststroke drills to improve your swimming technique. The 2 or 3 Kick Down Drill is a great way to learn how to hyper-streamline the front end of your breaststroke and lead to faster results in the pool. Pay attention to Rebecca’s powerful kick. Click _HERE. Good technique; fast times!
Olympic Gold Medalist Rebecca Soni and Zach Hayden demonstrate fast swimming drills that will improve your breaststroke. Coach Gary Hall,Sr. demonstrates breaststroke drills to improve your swimming technique. The 2 or 3 Kick Down Drill is a great way to learn how to hyper-streamline the front end of your breaststroke and lead to faster results in the pool. Pay attention to Rebecca’s powerful kick. Click _HERE. Good technique; fast times!