In addition to the fine folks who agree to sit on the CC Swim Team Board each year, volunteers are necessary in other capacities throughout the year as well. The largest fundraisers for the team are usually the meets that we host and the largest demand for people to help out is during the meets that we host. This short course season we will be hosting six dual meets, one invitational, and the TCAL championship meets. We hope that you will consider how you might best offer your talents and benefit the team.
Areas where we will need help include: Officials: Hosting fair athletic competitions requires referees. CC has an excellent group of parents who have been trained be officials. If you are not currently an official and would like to be, please attend the officials training at CC on Thursday, June 12th at 6:00 PM. We are always looking for new officials every year to be trained. Clerk of Course (includes runners to help with cards): This group organizes the swimmers and gets them to the blocks on time. We need several volunteers to make this run smoothly. Basically, they ensure that the meet operates smoothly and effectively. The ability to work quickly and yet calmly is a necessity. Timing System and Computer: These individuals run the Daktronics timing system and the Hy-tek meet software. We are always looking for individuals willing to be trained in this area. Concessions: The concessions committee must arrange all the supplies before the meet, through seeking donations and through direct purchases. They must also man the concession stand throughout the entire meet. This area is most pleasantly run if there is a cadre of volunteers willing to work various shifts and no one is stuck having to spend an excess of time doling out cups of Gatorade and baked potatoes. Holly Johnson will be heading up this committee again this year, so please speak to her if you’d like to help out. Timers: Of course, every meet always needs lots of timers. As with many other areas, this requires NO experience! Timers are a must and the benefits of timing are great – one, you get a great seat, two, you get to meet lots of kids from all over the place, which three, keeps you from over focusing on your own child, and four, you get free drinks! At TCAL dual meets, each team is usually expected to supply half of the timers required.
Please remember that many hands make light work!
You can sign up at the pool soon where you can fill in your name to help out or sign up on the website. CC prides itself on the quality of the meets we run. It is only through the fantastic work of our parent volunteers that we are able to accomplish what we do.
In addition to the fine folks who agree to sit on the CC Swim Team Board each year, volunteers are necessary in other capacities throughout the year as well. The largest fundraisers for the team are usually the meets that we host and the largest demand for people to help out is during the meets that we host. This short course season we will be hosting six dual meets, one invitational, and the TCAL championship meets. We hope that you will consider how you might best offer your talents and benefit the team.
Areas where we will need help include: Officials: Hosting fair athletic competitions requires referees. CC has an excellent group of parents who have been trained be officials. If you are not currently an official and would like to be, please attend the officials training at CC on Thursday, June 12th at 6:00 PM. We are always looking for new officials every year to be trained. Clerk of Course (includes runners to help with cards): This group organizes the swimmers and gets them to the blocks on time. We need several volunteers to make this run smoothly. Basically, they ensure that the meet operates smoothly and effectively. The ability to work quickly and yet calmly is a necessity. Timing System and Computer: These individuals run the Daktronics timing system and the Hy-tek meet software. We are always looking for individuals willing to be trained in this area. Concessions: The concessions committee must arrange all the supplies before the meet, through seeking donations and through direct purchases. They must also man the concession stand throughout the entire meet. This area is most pleasantly run if there is a cadre of volunteers willing to work various shifts and no one is stuck having to spend an excess of time doling out cups of Gatorade and baked potatoes. Holly Johnson will be heading up this committee again this year, so please speak to her if you’d like to help out. Timers: Of course, every meet always needs lots of timers. As with many other areas, this requires NO experience! Timers are a must and the benefits of timing are great – one, you get a great seat, two, you get to meet lots of kids from all over the place, which three, keeps you from over focusing on your own child, and four, you get free drinks! At TCAL dual meets, each team is usually expected to supply half of the timers required.
Please remember that many hands make light work!
You can sign up at the pool soon where you can fill in your name to help out or sign up on the website. CC prides itself on the quality of the meets we run. It is only through the fantastic work of our parent volunteers that we are able to accomplish what we do.